Top of the chart - Leadership virtue !
Leadership is one favorite topic that countless books , videos and content has been curated ! While each one of us would have our own viewpoint about the top attribute of a great leader, but interesting thing I can guess is that majority of us would have different top leadership virtue to list. I don't have ready data to prove this hypothesis, but have decent confidence on this. One of the reason is this is because even my top leadership virtue has been changing as time has gone by in my working career. My latest pick for top of the chart leadership virtue is "Public Oratory Skills". Reason this particular one grabbed my attention is because of the one single event that recently happened in our country that captured mind and space of every Indian. Yes, I'm talking about General Elections and the fierce fight between political parties was truly a spectacle. Now all that is normal but difference this year was Narendra Modi. I was fascinated by the speeches he gav...